What is the psychology of person who hates the people who lie to them?

You’ve just been lied to, and now you’re feeling angry and frustrated. The person who lied to you seems like a conniving, selfish jerk — it’s almost impossible to understand why someone would want to hurt you in such a way. But you may want to consider the possibility that the other person isn’t lying out of maliciousness; maybe they are just dealing with their own personal problems and issues and aren’t thinking clearly when they lie to you.

 Why People Who Hate Liars May Be Dealing With Their Own Psychological Issues

1. Are you doubting your own credibility?

Two hands

If you have trouble accepting a compliment, have trouble believing people, or have issues trusting others, your opinion of liars may come from an inability to accept positive feedback about yourself. When we struggle with self-esteem and self-image, we often undermine our own credibility and make it difficult for us to believe that anything good is being said about us. In response, it can be tempting to downplay compliments as flattery or lies and reject them outright. However, when you do that, you cut off opportunity for growth. Instead of immediately rejecting a compliment because it feels off, take a moment to reflect on whether there is any truth in what was said. Learn to trust that people actually are speaking honestly about your skills and talents.

2. Are you dealing with self-worth issues?

Self worth issue

Self-worth and self-esteem are terms that often get used interchangeably, but they're not one in the same. Both are strongly tied to how you feel about yourself, but self-esteem typically applies to your self-perception and your evaluation of yourself as a person, while self-worth refers more to how much value you place on your life or worth as a person. In other words, if someone is dealing with an issue of low self-worth—or a general lack of personal value—they might have issues with lying because it suggests that someone doesn't think their life is important or worthy of protecting. But if their esteem is only affected by lying or telling lies, then that's another story.

3. Do you lack assertiveness skills?

lack of skills

If you’re dealing with a person who lies and attempts to deceive on a regular basis, it can be difficult to keep your emotions in check. They may not intentionally be trying to hurt you; they simply lack self-awareness and don’t realize that they might be doing more harm than good. After all, if someone doesn’t think their actions have consequences, why would they stop lying? In order to keep your temper from flaring when dealing with someone who is trying their best but lacking in some important areas of their life, it might help to recognize that much of their behavior is likely unintentional.

General Studies For Psychology Subject

4. All about manipulation


There’s a reason why people who don’t like liars also hate being lied to: To them, lying is manipulation. As Psychology Today points out, those who think lying is wrong are more likely to respond negatively to deception because they consider it to be an act of deliberate cruelty that undermines their personal integrity and self-respect. The idea that honesty matters—and that liars are not trustworthy—is a common component of most nonreligious ethical systems. In other words, if you consider lying reprehensible and want nothing to do with people who do it, chances are you have strong moral convictions about not just honesty but also integrity, respect for others, loyalty, and so on.

5. Other reasons for hating lies

hating girl

If you despise people who tell lies and you are always finding yourself in fights with them, chances are there is more to it than just your aversion to dishonesty. Are you refusing to accept certain truths about yourself? Or maybe, deep down, you feel like a fraud yourself? Are you lying to others about who you really are or what’s going on in your life? If so, then maybe you can relate to those people that drive you crazy. Maybe it’s time for an honest look at what is really motivating your anger toward liars.

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