Psychological Facts About Ghost Dreams

Have you ever woken up from a dream only to realize that what you dreamed about was actually happening in your real life? Did you ever get the feeling that somebody or something was following you and only when you turned around did you find out that it was nothing but your imagination? If so, then you might be experiencing a phenomenon known as ghost dreams, or deja vu, which can be both exciting and frightening at the same time! Are you being haunted by your dreams? Here are some psychological facts about ghost dreams that may explain what's going on. 1. Types of Dreams In general, there are two different types of dreams: oneiric and oneirognomic. Oneiric refers to dream experiences during sleep or when falling asleep or waking up; oneirognomic is dreaming while in a state of wakefulness, such as just before drifting off to sleep, or when daydreaming. Both types of dreams can contain ghosts and spirits—but they do so in very different ways! Read on for more information about each ...