Psychological Facts About Cheating Man
It’s difficult to imagine that someone you love would ever be unfaithful to you, but sadly, cheating does happen. Even if you’re certain that your man has never cheated on you before, it can never hurt to be aware of what the common warning signs of cheating are and how to deal with them if they do arise in your relationship. Here are 10 psychological warning signs that your man might be cheating on you, plus some tips on how to move forward from here if it does turn out that he has been unfaithful.
Is Your Man a Cheater? 10 Psychological Warning Signs to Watch Out For
1) Believes no one else can love him
2) He feels entitled
Men who feel entitled cheat more often, according to one study. These men tend to have narcissistic personality traits, which can lead them to cheat on their partners because they view other women as objects they can conquer. Keep an eye out for signs that your man may feel entitled, such as him taking credit for your success in order to build his own ego. Men who are constantly asking you if he’s the best you’ve ever had may be looking for affirmation—even if it comes at your expense. Another red flag is when your man is jealous of people outside of his relationship, such as another guy flirting with you or another woman wearing provocative clothing.
3) He lacks self-awareness
People who have been unfaithful tend to be selfish, narcissistic and lack awareness of their own behavior. They don’t think much about how they make other people feel, or what impact their words or actions have on others. This can manifest in any number of ways — like never asking you how your day was or never remembering an important occasion (you know, like your birthday). If you often find yourself wondering whether he thinks about you at all, he probably doesn’t. Unfaithful people usually aren’t self-aware enough to know that they need to ask questions or be more thoughtful.
4) He's an overachiever
As with money, most people don't like to brag about their achievements. If your guy makes it clear that he's smarter, more successful, or just plain better than anyone else, watch out: It may be because he has something to prove. While you might think of such men as narcissists (which they are), they're also significantly more likely than other men to cheat. Researchers at Texas A&M University surveyed college students and found that those who ranked high in narcissism were twice as likely as others to have cheated on someone they were dating. Of course, every man (or woman) has his own ego—but if yours senses that his self-esteem is out of whack, it could mean trouble for your relationship.
5) His relationships are superficial
According to Dr. Bonnie Eaker Weil, author of Some Men Just Don’t Want To Be Tied Down, many men cheat simply because they are not interested in a committed relationship. Because cheating is still generally unacceptable in our society, some men may also be afraid that they won’t be able to find another partner if their current relationship becomes too serious. It’s important for you to recognize whether or not your man is truly interested in an exclusive relationship with you; unfortunately, there isn’t any way for you to know for sure.
6) He thinks everything should be easy
Cheaters often have a victim mentality. This is especially true for cheaters that get caught. They believe it’s their right to do what they want when they want it, and that being wronged by other people makes them more justified in their cheating. If you catch your man putting more than just time into his extracurricular activities, and he’s telling you some excuse about why he has no time for you, run! He might tell you that he feels like he works hard all day so it's not fair that you're working hard too. As long as work isn't going well, then everything else in his life should be easy peasy right? Wrong!
7) He loves drama
The two people most involved in drama are those who create it and those who watch it. If your partner loves a good soap opera, he might also be enthralled by his own personal one. This is one of my biggest flags when dating someone new - I can tell you more about someone's personality in one hour of watching their favorite show than I can ever discover from them directly over months of getting to know them. Drama is addictive for many people, especially if they feel insecure or have a low self-esteem. They crave excitement and attention, even if it’s negative. You may find that you’re always on edge around him because nothing seems to be going right; everything seems like an argument waiting to happen. It’s exhausting being with someone like that! The best thing you can do is walk away from these types of relationships before they take too much out of you – both emotionally and physically.
8) He has rage issues
An occasional angry outburst is normal and human, but if your man regularly flies into fits of rage over small things, it’s not just anger—it’s possessiveness. He wants to control you and doesn’t want anyone else looking at you. The problem is, jealousy can be addictive. It might feel good when he’s showing interest in you, but that feeling soon turns sour once he starts making threats about who else you can talk to or trying to control what you wear and where you go. A cheater like this doesn’t want an equal partner—he wants a possession.
9) He's immature
I've worked with several couples over my years as a marriage therapist, and one of their biggest complaints has been that their man was too immature. He doesn't seem like he's ready for commitment. The research backs up these complaints: men whose age in love is younger than their chronological age are more likely to cheat. Don't underestimate how important age can be when considering whether your man is ready for commitment. It could save you heartache later on down the road.
10) Breaking up scares him
No, he's not broken. He doesn't need fixing. But you might feel like it's your job to make him into someone who doesn't cheat, and he isn't interested in that. Rather than risk losing you by doing something potentially embarrassing (like cheating), he'd rather break up with you before then. If he can make his way out of an exclusive relationship before anyone finds out about his inner struggles, then it will have all been worth it for him. It may seem cowardly, but sometimes our emotions dictate our actions more than we want them to. And even if it seems cruel or unfair, there is some logic behind his decision-making process. Maybe someday he'll be able to find love again—but only when he's ready for real commitment. And that means making sure you're not still lurking around in his head when he starts dating again. The same goes for any other bad habit—you're better off walking away from him now while you still love him, instead of staying until one day there is nothing left between you two but anger and resentment.