10 Most Shocking Psychological Facts about Humans

Psychology has long been one of the most popular social sciences, but it’s also one of the most misunderstood and misinterpreted. With some basic psychological facts under your belt, you can better understand the psychology of human behavior and react accordingly, whether you’re negotiating a business deal or trying to convince your kids to do their homework! Here are 10 shocking psychological facts about humans 1) We can’t help being lazy Even if you wanted to, you might not be able to break your bad habits. Research published in Nature Neuroscience suggests that our brains have limits when it comes to self-control and resisting temptation. As a result, we're all susceptible to behaviors that are immediately rewarding—like watching TV or eating fatty foods—over activities that are long-term goals—like exercising or saving money. But not all hope lost! Simple changes can help us use our limited self-control for good by working around these neurological limitations. For example, hav...