Dark Psychology- How to Analyse People


There are different ways that we have been persuaded were touched on. Many of us might have gone a long time in our lives without even realizing that we had been persuaded and manipulated can last forever, and it can be hard to recover. Once you became aware of how others might be subliminally persuading you, you can better protect yourself from these tactics in the future to maintain your independence and stay out of others' influence.

From here start with how you can analyze people other people. Once you have a better understanding of how to analyze those around you both psychologically, you'll be able to persuade them better towards you favor.

Cultural Differences

Every persons is different, and sometimes, how one person holds their body has a different meaning than someone who stands the same way that a person's body language differs, so its's important to remember that not everything about a certain body movement is 100% true for every person. This is especially important to people with different cultural backgrounds. 

Studying Others' Movements

When studying other people and yourself, it's important to try and act naturally as well. It can be easy to become hyper-aware of your movements but know that you don't have to hold your body a certain way. Not everyone is as aware of body movements as other might be, so at the end of the day, don't look into your own movements too much.

Still once you start studying the others' body movements, you'll start to realize how much you can get to know them. Certain things might all start to make sense after meeting a variety of individuals. You might notice that one of you friends is rather pretentious in the way they hold themselves or talk. Others friends might show how insecure they are with themselves , even though you thought they had been incredibly confident since you'd known them.

Why we love animals 

To start practicing being comfortable with your own body, try hanging out in front of a mirror. When you're eating dinner, watching TV, or even lounging in bed, set up a mirror so you can see how you could hold yourself. Once you get an outsider' perspective on how you move, you'll be able to see how other's move as well.

Eye Contact  

eye contact

Eye contact is one of the biggest clues you can use to determine how someone truly is. It's important to become aware of you own use of eye contact as well, because it gives others clues about your personality and true nature. Maintaining eye contact is important to let a person know that you are interested in what they're saying and they have your full attention.

It can also be overused, however, and let people know that you're trying too hard to convince them that your listening. Too much eye contact can sometimes intimidate others as well, so if you notice that a person is getting nervous because of the amount of eye contact you're having with them, change it up every now and then.

Pupil dilation can be a direct indication that a person is interested in what you're saying. Studies have proven that when a person's pupils begin dilating whom you're making eye contact with, they are more interested in what you have to say. 


Mouth Movements

mouth movement

What Someone does with their mouth is very crucial in understanding their personality as well. Someone with tight or pursued lips might be trying to concentrate, or they also might be trying hard to hide sour face. You can analyze a person's smile as well. If the corners of their eyes aren't creased, they might be forcing a smile with you.

A person that is continually covering their mouth also is usually nervous. They might bite their lip, finger, or put a fist over their mouth. Knowing when a person is uncomfortable or nervous can sometimes be helpful when trying to persuade them. 

How Your Body Language Affects You

Believe it or not, how you can use your body can directly affects how you function as well. There are ways that you can use to improve how you think, and the capacity of your memory just by the way that you used your hands and arms. Not only are there physical differences in terms of how you use your body, but you will also be affected by the way others perceive you.

If you are constantly closed off, always crossing your arms, there are probably a lot of people that might not open up or talk to you because they assume you have no interest in conversation. if you're always very open with your body, exerting confidence and holding yourself high, others might end up being intimidated by you. You might not have any intention of closing others off or being intimidating, but your body can show that in ways that your mouth doesn't.

Open your mind 

open minded

Someone that starts opening their arms when they talk will begin to let others know that they are much more open-minded. If you stand with arms open, or just hanging relaxed by your side, you let people around you know that you are confident and willing to talk with them about different things.

While having open arms is a signal for others, it's also a signal for your brain. Studies show that by standing with open arms verses crossed ones, you can actually signal your brain to be more open. You'll start to think of new ideas that you wouldn't if you kept your arms crossed. The same goes for the rest of your body. The more open you are with your movements. the more you allow your brain to have different ideas.

Improve Your Memory

improve memory

Those that talk with their hands also tend to have a better memory than those that don't. Using your hands can put physical reminders in your brain for ideas and thoughts that you might be discussing. If you mimic numbers or shapes  when you're talking about different ideas, especially in a business setting, not only will you remember what you're discussing better, but those around you will find your story more memorable as well.

Using your hands to talk while telling a story will also help you remember the things that you went through. You're encouraging your brain to continue thinking, and keeping your arms open, just as we mentioned in the last section, will open up your brain to new thoughts and feelings you might not have had should you have spoken with your arms crossed and closed off.

Listening to others  

listening others

Talking about yourself can elicit the same good feelings that money and food cause. People like talking about themselves for the most part. While it can seem selfish, it's true that most people would prefer to talk about themselves. This means that when conversing with other people, you should avoid talking about yourself too much.


Human Psychology

You don't have to be a psychology expert to have a basic understanding of how the human brain works. Once you get to know how our brains operate, you can begin to analyze people much more easily. you'll start to realize that those around might act a certain way because of the way they were raise and the things that were taught. Once you have a basic understanding of human psychology, you'll start to put together the pieces of what makes the people around you the unique individuals they are. You'll realize a lot more makes sense about why a person does the things they do if you can look into their psychology.

Creating vulnerability 


Others respond well when one presents themselves as vulnerable. Humans connect on a societal, human, and animalistic levels. In all three of those categories, vulnerability is sought in order to make a connection. No one wants to feel as though they're talking to a refrigerator. Vulnerability is important in letting the other person that you are human as well.  

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