How Can I Make Myself Feel More Confident Psychologically
Everyone wants to feel confident in his or her own skin—both inside and out. But just because you’re not feeling confident doesn’t mean that there isn’t anything you can do about it! In fact, there are several different strategies you can try to boost your confidence levels, whether you want to feel more confident at work, in your relationships, or in other areas of your life. Here are three tips that will help give you the confidence boost you deserve!
3 Tips to Boost Your Confidence
1) Stop comparing yourself to others
Most of us have a tendency to compare ourselves to others. It’s human nature—we all do it in some way, shape, or form. Whether we’re comparing our success, our jobs, or our relationships with other people's (often comparing apples and oranges), it can really eat away at your self-confidence if you let it go unchecked. And don't forget about social media—this can be a huge source of comparison and negativity; even just seeing what other people are doing can make you feel insecure! Take note of how you’re feeling after browsing through Facebook and adjust your newsfeed settings so that more positive content appears. Just remember: everyone has bad days and makes mistakes!
2) Ask questions
One of my favorite things about interviewing people is that I’m guaranteed to learn something, even if it isn’t necessarily something that I can use in an interview. Being around confident people, you might think you know what confidence looks like—and then you hear them describe how they got there and realize that everything is much less clear-cut than it seems. You find out what success means to them, why they love their job, or how they made a major change in their life. It’s hard not to be inspired by such openness and honesty. If you want to boost your own confidence, ask questions of those who seem genuinely confident. Find out what makes them tick and see if any of their answers resonate with you. Then try applying some of those same principles in your own life. You never know when one small thing could make all the difference.
3) Stay positive
One of the easiest ways to boost your confidence is by being positive. That doesn’t mean that you have to be an eternal optimist, but taking a more optimistic view on life can help you feel better about yourself and what you are doing. For example, if you hate your job or hate your body or if someone is bothering you, just try and see it in a positive light for a change. Instead of dwelling on what’s not going well, focus on how things could go better. This helps improve self-esteem and it can even motivate change—especially when thinking positively helps others around you as well. It also means that no matter what happens today or tomorrow, keep telling yourself that everything will turn out all right in the end—you might surprise yourself!